
Check out what I am messing around with right now!

I enjoy learning and trying out new stuff, and I particularly enjoy figuring stuff out and just following my interests and passions. When I am not focusing on something, I have a tendency to squirrel all over the place in terms of my thinking and building habits. It has taught me though that the world is learneable, and that I can usually figure out anything given a bit of time.

I value divergent thinking, and that means exploring and pushing your comfort zone. Here’s some of my favourite things I’ve built, in class and out over the last couple of years that didn’t really fit into a neat box.

Air Quality Monitor

I vividly remember the summer of 2023 in Ottawa, where wildfire smoke made air quality a huge problem. I remember not being aware and getting sick, like many others. This is a web app that automatically detects your location and gives live AQ updates as well as health recommendations.

Currently still working on it and ironing out bugs!

Basic Game Literacy Tutorial

Have you ever tried to get your parents, or a friend who doesn't play games to try them out with you, and realized how hard it is to just learn the basic controls?

This web experience helps teach basic game and control literacy to help anyone get into gaming.

Demoed @ Hackville 2024, built in Spline. I was the researcher, concept artist and game designer in a team of 4.

World of Tanks Blitz Career Data

Me and my friends love this little tank game and we compare stats all the time. This is a dynamic data visualization of player career data built using HTML, CSS, JS an REST API

"Exhibition" - 3D Environment

Paintings can only do so much to build out a world. This is a 3D interactive scene based on
one of my paintings, built in Spline for web.

Walk around with WASD and look around by clicking and dragging

"Infinity" - 3D Environment

Another 3D interactive scene based on one of my paintings, built in Spline for web.

Walk around with WASD and look around by clicking and dragging, and jump with SPACE

AR Book Cover

What if a book cover really represented the book? This is a cover design for Ernest Cline's Ready Player One, with an AR effect built with Cinema4D and Meta Spark Studio

Digital Wind Instrument

I love playing the Trumpet - So I built one, complete with a pressure sensitive "breath" control and different synths using P5.js and Arduino

Coming Soon!


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(613) 716-0371

Built by me, inspired by friends.
Copyright © 2024 Richard Wu.