Imagining new worlds and telling visual stories probably my favourite hobby. Its part of how I keep in touch with my creativity and what inspires me. It's about communication, craft you have to keep your visual intuition sharp. But really it's just fun - You can explore the universe, whatever you want, wherever you want. From the bottom of the Pacific to the edge of the galaxy, from the banks of the Euphrates to the end of time, your imagination is literally the limit.
I find painting and letting loose my creativity and telling stories helps to remind me of why I fell in love with art, design and creating stuff in the first place. Art and design was something I started for fun, and that's a fact that still finds its way into my professional practice and in my hobbies.
Here's a selection of some of my favourite works I've (mostly) finished over the last couple of years. They all come from my imagination, or sometimes the videogames I play, like Destiny or Homeworld.